“ I have never before, in my long and eclectic career, been gifted with such an abundance of natural beauty as I experienced filming War Horse on Dartmoor.” Steven Spielberg.

Dartmoor Brewery Offers 100 Free Casks of Beer for 100 Good Causes

Leading South West producer of traditional ales, Dartmoor Brewery, has relaunched its unique charity and community initiative for 2022, offering one hundred local causes and fund-raising events the opportunity to claim a free cask of the award-winning Jail Ale to help bring in funds. 

Charities and community event organisers are being invited to put in their bids for one of the 100 free casks of Jail Ale, which they can then use to raise funds for their cause – for example with a fund-raising bar or charity event.  

This initiative by the award-winning Devon brewery was first launched in 2019, with a wide range of local and community causes benefiting from the fund-raising opportunity.  After a break due to Covid19 restrictions affecting many events, the “100 Casks for 100 Causes” initiative has been relaunched at a time when many charities and community causes are seeing their funding streams under severe pressure. 

Dartmoor Brewery MD Ian Cobham commented on the relaunch of the “100 Casks for 100 Causes” scheme: “We are tremendously proud to be brewing great beers right here on Dartmoor, and this initiative gives us the chance to put a bit more back into the community and to support local charities which do such an amazing job, particularly given the challenges of the last two years”. 

All applications will be considered, with priority given to those which benefit causes on Dartmoor or in Devon, and which promote community well-being, public safety, outdoor lifestyle and responsible drinking. 

Bids for the free casks of Jail Ale can be submitted online at www.dartmoorbrewery.co.uk/apply 
