Climbing on Dartmoor
Get a littler higher!
Dartmoor has some of the finest climbing spots. Fact. The granite tors protruding from the earth provide the perfect playground for those of a spiderman disposition. Or maybe endurance is more your thing; trekking out across the moor with only your compass, map and bivvi for company. Dartmoor is hardcore so make the most of it.
The tors offer excellent climbing and bouldering for all abilities from the very beginner to the truly awesome expert. And there is enough space in this wonderful wilderness to climb alone or as part of a group.
But where to climb?
Well, Dartmoor has many climbing and bouldering spots to be explored but recommended are:
Haytor area, Fur Tor, Foggintor, Bonehill Rocks, East Mill Tor and Dewerstone. It is worth checking out the British Mountaineering Council’s website for a comprehensive list. www.thebmc.co.uk
Dartmoor is a protected landscape with many rare species, plants, and habitats. It is down to us, the people that love and use Dartmoor to ensure we look after it, so please take a look at the Code of Conduct before setting out on your adventure. Just so that Dartmoor’s special qualities remain for our children and grandchildren. Click here to read about where you can climb, health & safety and your environment.